(not recommended without reading)

E-mail contact with this website.
Please read .

This site is zero-tolerant toward spam
If you intend sending mail to any Newsmedianews mailbox for the first time, please check the lists further down this page. If your mail domain appears in either list, your mail may not reach its destination and you will not receive any rejection notification.
Warning: it is illegal to send EU citizens unsolicited commercial email without the users' explicit (opt-in) permission, according to The Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications (2002/58/EC). The site owner reports all such mail direct to your ISP.

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Common mail domains currently rejected by Newsmedianews due to abuse by spammers include:


[* signifies all extensions to the domain]

Full IP ranges likewise blocked:
all IP ranges beginning with the numbers:


All IP ranges beginning at 200 through to 251 are subject to tight filtering

You are advised to register your e-mail address if your e-mail address belongs to any of the above and you wish to contribute or send valid e-mail to Newsmedianews, or if you wish to use an alternative mail address from any that you may have used previously to send mail to Newsmedianews.

To send mail without registering your address, click here.

To register an e-mail address, click
Please do not alter any of the details in the message in your e-mail program that will open after clicking the above link.

Please note that any UCE sent to the contact details listed above will incure penalties on the sender.

Finally, if you are disatisfied with this situation, you are advised to complain to your IP which is responsible for permitting the transmission of spam and thus causing this situation, or alternatively change your mail domain to a responsible service provider.