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Irish man in Mars One selection process
14 Jul 2015: posted by the editor - Science, Ireland

Irish computer scientist Steve Menaa has made it through to the next stage of the Mars One expedition selection process.

The new information on the Mars One astronaut selection process has been released in a new Inside 360 article: “Screening from 100 to 24”. Mars One additionally introduces six new candidates to the astronaut selection process that have replaced former candidates that were not able to proceed to the next selection round.

In the latest Inside 360 article, Dr. Norbert Kraft, Chief Medical Officer of Mars One, outlines Round Three and Four of Mars One’s astronaut selection process. Round Three takes place over the course of 5 days, in which groups of 10 to 15 candidates are formed. “The Mars One selection committee will then set up group dynamic challenges and provide study materials related to the challenges,” explains Dr. Kraft. “This allows us to observe how the candidates work in a group setting.”

Following the challenges, the Mars100 will be screened to 40 candidates that will enter the next selection phase: isolation. Candidates will spend nine days in an isolation unit. “It is very important that the candidates are observed closely to examine how they act in situations of prolonged close contact with one another,” says Dr. Kraft. “During the journey to Mars and upon arrival, they will spend 24 hours a day with each other. It is during this time that the simplest things may start to become bothersome. It takes a specific team dynamic to be able to handle this and it is our job to find those that are best suited for this challenge.”

After the isolation phase, 30 candidates are chosen to partake in a Mars Settler Suitability Interview (MSSI). The MSSI measures suitability for long duration Space missions and Mars settlement and will last approximately 4 hours. 24 candidates are selected after the interview and will be offered full-time employment with Mars One. The next selection rounds will take place in September, 2016.

Introducing Six New Candidates
Since announcing The Mars100 in February 2015, six candidates were unable to continue to the next selection round. Therefore, six candidates have been added to the group of Round Three Candidates. These individuals were pre-selected as potential replacement candidates following the interview round and have met all the requirements to proceed to the next selection round.

The following candidates have been added to the Mars100, giving them a chance to be among the first humans on Mars:

With these new Round Three Candidates, 50 men and 50 women will continue on to the next round of selection.

The candidates represent countries from all around the world, including 42 from the Americas, 28 from Europe, 16 from Asia, 7 from Africa, and 7 from Oceania. The complete list of Round Three candidates can be found on Mars One’s community platform.

More Information

About Mars One
Mars One is a not-for-profit foundation that will establish permanent human life on Mars. Human settlement on Mars is possible today with existing technologies. Mars One’s mission plan integrates components that are well tested and readily available from industry leaders worldwide. The first footprint on Mars and lives of the crew thereon will captivate and inspire generations. It is this public interest that will help finance this human mission to Mars.

For more information on Mars One, please visit

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