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Social Media workshops
04 May 2016: posted by the editor - Events, Internet news, Ireland

A full week of events around sharing information about social media including a conference– and awards show–The Sockies is scheduled to take place around Ireland from 23 to 27 May.

There will be talks, social media clinics and other events in Dublin, Galway, Cork, Limerick with more locations to be announced. 

The first Social Media Week Ireland includes a social media conference. an awards show, social media clinics and other events in many Irish cities over the week. Place can be booked at:

Speaking about Social Media Week, organiser Damien Mulley said "In terms of usage, Ireland has been a trailblazer on social media, adopting Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now Snapchat with great speed so it started to make sense to run a week-long celebration of social media and to run events that gave back to people by having people share their knowledge with others."

Events for Social Media Week:
Social Media Conference May 24th in Liberty Hall, Dublin - a digital and social media conference that is known for highly practical and at times very blunt talks is back for 2016 bringing a unique lineup of speakers together. will take place on 24 May in Liberty Hall Theatre.

Measurement has ensured women who make up the majority of people that work in digital are represented in the speakers list and unique to most conferences, contributors will be paid. More details on measurement here:

The Sockies—Social Media Awards on May 25th
The Sockies take place in the RDS Concert Hall on May 25th. Up to 700 people that work in digital and social in Ireland will be attending. This is the biggest social media event every year. Over 200 companies and organisations entered their work to be judged this year. Nominated companies and organisations are listed here:

Free Social Media One to One Clinics
Free (via donation to charity) 50 minute clinics will be made available to businesses that want help with their social media. Businesses will be able to book these tickets via the Social Media Week website.

Host City Evening Events
Galway 23 May, Dublin, Limerick 26 May and Cork 26 May will be hosting free events where those that work in social media will be sharing tips and insights. These events will take place Monday to Friday. Specific listings for these city events will be available in the next 24 hours on: 

Organisers - Mulley Communications
The organisers of Social Media are Mulley Communications, organisers of the yearly Social Media Awards and the conference.
Persons wishing to speak at the meetings should contact Damien at:

Tags: Social Media Week Ireland

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