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Irish Nursing Home location policy 'a fiasco'
22 Feb 2011: posted by the editor - Ireland

An Bord Pleanala, Co. Waterford refusal circulated today again highlights failed Irish planning system to meet the needs of the future. Well located nursing homes with good access to local services and complimentary retirement housing, one of the most important planning needs for the immediate future, as we face an aging population. Instead continued failed planning is resulting in nursing homes being unsuitably located all over the country.

There is ample capacity for well located nursing home and complimentary retirement facilities within the zoned areas of towns and villages and a good complimentary access to local services instead Irish local authorities have and what amounts to a systemic basis recklessly and non-strategic accommodating in appropriately located nursing home/retirement complexes on green field un-zoned rural sites all over the country without any public transport access is complimentary relating to services. Over a number of years An Taisce has appealed local authority decisions resulting in An Bord Pleanala overturning developments permitted in Counties Mayo, Kildare, Cork, Cavan, Offaly, Waterford and Other Counties.

Now within a matter of months An Bord Pleanala have for the second time refused an inappropriate located nursing home and retirement village in Killotteran 3km outside Waterford on the basis that: "The proposed large-scale Nursing home development is located in an unserviced rural area remote from and poorly connected to the urban area. Furthermore, the area is zoned A "agricultural Greenbelt" in the current development plan for the area, which includes a requirement "to protect and improve rural amenity", and the site adjoins the recently discovered Woodstown 6 Viking Settlement which is a national monument. It is considered that the proposed development, would have an adverse impact on the rural amenity of this area and due to its isolated location, would be an unsuitable site for this large-scale Nursing Home facility. The proposed development, would therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”

"The proposed large-scale Nursing Home development is located in an unserviced low wet area immediately alongside the bank of the Killotteran Stream which flows into the River Suir and into which is proposed at high tide to discharge foul effluent from the proposed proprietary wastewater treatment system. Having regard to the nature and scale of the development, the Board is not satisfied that the drainage of the site would not result in an unacceptable risk of water pollution, and would, therefore, be prejudicial to public health." In addition to this application was refused on the grounds of public health. Coillte the State Forestry Board also inappropriately lodged 5 inappropriately located nursing home applications all now facing refusal.

"National design and location standards for nursing home location are needed as a matter of urgency" said an An Taisce spokesperson. The current situation is leading to nursing home and retirement housing being irresponsibly being flung around the country with huge long term inconvenience and cost for residents visiting family members and staff. Once again Ireland's planning system has been shown to have failed.

Tags: Nursing Homes, planning

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