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Are governments out of their depth with new communications and surveillance?
24 Sep 2012: posted by the editor - Internet news, European Union, Ireland

The Centre for Irish & European Security (CIES) & Statewatch announces the following debate: ‘Democratic institutions can no longer govern modern communications and surveillance technology’ in Dublin on 1 October 2012.

Dublin— 17th September 2012
The Centre for Irish and European Security and the EU civil liberty watchdog group, Statewatch, are pleased to announce a debate on policymaker’s capacity to legislate effectively in an era of enhanced communications and surveillance technology, on the 1st of October 2012, European Parliament Dublin.

World leading privacy and civil liberty advocates will take to the stage to assess the capacity of democratic institutions to govern modern communications and surveillance technology. Speakers include:

  • Tony Bunyan is the founder and director of Statewatch, one of the EU’s foremost civil liberties watchdog groups
  • Gus Hosein is the executive director of Pivacy International, and has held visiting fellowship positions at Columbia University and the LSE
  • Ben Wizner is the Director of the Speech, Privacy & Technology Project at the ACLU, America’s leading civil liberties group

The debate will include audience participation and the aim is to have an engaged and informative dialogue between all attendees. This is a unique opportunity to engage with some of the worlds leading privacy advocates and civil liberty campaigners, all of who have worked with policymakers across the world at various institutional levels.

The panel debate will begin at 19:00 in the European Parliament Office in reland, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, with a drinks reception at 18:30.

* CIES (Centre for Irish and European Security): founded in 2008 is an independent research centre and consultancy based in Dublin, it combines over 30 years of experience, specializing in research and consultation advice in the field of civil security. Current research focus is directed towards the ethical implications and societal impact of security policy and security technology.

Tags: Centre for Irish and European Security, Statewatch, surveillance

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