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Two-tier children's allowance proposal condemned
09 Oct 2012: posted by the editor - Ireland

Single Parents Acting for the Rights of our Kids (SPARK) said it is strongly critical of the suggestion that a two tier system will be introduced for Children's Allowance.

In a press statement the group said: "Although we campaign for people parenting alone, we acknowledge the lack of affordable childcare makes it difficult for all families. Children's allowance is usually necessary to subsidise childcare, without it, many people will be forced out of employment. A reduction will not just impact on lone parents but on struggling middle income earners too."

According to a report by the EU and OECD, "lone parents, who are usually in poor-paying jobs are left with just 20% of their income to cover costs after paying for childcare. In the report, a single parent would need to be in the top 20% of earners in the country to ensure their children cannot be classed as being in poverty or at risk of poverty—the worst rate in the developed world.

Couples in poor-paying jobs also fare badly, being left with just 60% of their income after childcare costs. This is the worst after the US in the OECD list." ( Ann Cahill, Irish Examiner 2 Oct 2012).

SPARK said it is unfair to compare relatively high children's allowance with other countries, whilst not including all these other factors. Consistently, all reports indicate that families with children are faring the worst during these tough economic times. We agree that targeting resources to those in most need is necessary, but that can be done by increasing taxes on high earnings rather than de-constructing the universality and equality of the payment to all children. We would further argue that any reduction will negatively impact on the local economies as this money is mainly spent in local communities.

"We are disappointed with some children's organisations that agree more modest payment are needed when they are aware of the increase in child poverty rates in Ireland and must understand any reduction will increase these rates."

SPARK campaigner Louise Bayliss added: "Children are the least culpable members of this recession, yet increasingly they are bearing the brunt of the cutbacks. They may not have the voting power of other dependent groups, but is that anyway to force so many into deprivation."

* S.P.A.R.K (Single Parents Acting for the Rights of our Kids) is a diverse group of people parenting alone, who came together after Budget 2012 to fight against the attack on our families. We are determined to ensure that our children are treated equally and can have a happy and safe childhood.

Tags: Single Parents, SPARK

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