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€4m for Easter Rising Centenary commemorations
16 Oct 2014: posted by the editor - Ireland

The Government has allocated €4 million as part of Budget 2015 to support a comprehensive national programme of commemorative events in the lead up to 2016 and the centenary of the Easter Rising.  

Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht Minister Aodhán Ó Riordáin said: "These resources will ensure that arrangements are made with confidence for a comprehensive and inclusive programme of Centenary commemorations.  Today's special allocation complements the provision earlier this year towards work on visitor and exhibition facilities at the GPO, Kilmainham Jail, Richmond Barracks, the Tenement Museum and the Military Service Pensions Archive being developed by the Defence Forces.

"Supporting the work of colleges and schools, I will ensure that there is a special emphasis on education and research projects as recommended by the Advisory Group.  I place a great importance also on working with local authorities and community groups with a view to wide public participation and encouraging commemorative initiatives at local level.  Our programme will seek to strengthen an appreciation of the condition of Ireland at the time and to examine the political, economic, social and cultural issues in the revolutionary period.

"As the Centenary of the Easter Rising approaches, I have been greatly impressed by the strengthening public interest in this historic period.  It is timely now that we set out our draft framework for the commemorative programme and invite the contributions of all interested parties as we proceed to define the arrangements for 2016.

"It is a great privilege to be engaged on the development of the Centenary commemorative arrangements.  Succeeding generations, in their own time, must consider anew the enduring significance of the Rising and their own perspective on their history.  The unprecedented opportunities today for personal research of digitised records and online communications will contribute greatly to our programme.

"The centenary of the Easter Rising is not only of interest in Ireland and to the Irish but also to the many friends of Ireland around the world. "

Tags: Budget 2015

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