Veterans For Peace Strongly Condemns New Round of Sanctions @ 04 Dec 2012
It is clear by now that these sanction have nothing to do with Iran's civilian nuclear program and everything to do with guaranteeing the U.S. hegemonic domination of the Middle East and Israel's regional monopoly on nuclear weapons.

Veterans For Peace strongly believes that the main obstacle to a peaceful resolution of the nuclear crisis in the Middle East has been persistent intransigence of the U.S. and Israeli governments, as most recently evidenced by their sabotage of the UN-sponsored Helsinki Conference on A Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East. VFP once against stresses its position that the only rational and lasting solution to the current nuclear crisis in the region is the establishment of a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone in the Middle East.

Veterans For Peace strongly condemns this latest criminal act by the U.S. Senate and calls upon all pro-peace and justice citizens of the United States and the world to raise their voice of objection against this new round of victimization of the Iranian people.

VFP calls upon all citizens of the United States to contact their senators and express their abhorrence with the Senate vote. We invite all peace-loving people to add their names to VFP's open letter to President Obama and the Congress to support a nuclear Free Zone in the Middle East:

We call upon all VFP chapters and members to actively mobilize and organize the public opinion against all sanctions on Iran, and in support of the establishment of a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone in the Middle East.

* Veterans For Peace was founded in 1985 and has approximately 5,000 members in 150 chapters located in every U.S. state and several countries. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) by the United Nations, and is the only national veterans' organization calling for the abolishment of war.