______________________________Direct Input News Archive______________________________
Drowning on Wall Street and Ending World War II
30 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features
By David Swanson
Imagine if George W. Bush had stood on the smoking ruins of the World Trade Center and declared, "We are going to continue our pursuit of world domination and environmental destruction until the oceans rise, the storms surge, and this spot and all the surrounding streets are drowned in routine floods, destroying the infrastructure, and collapsing the buildings of this great city, while you morons are distracted by my screams for vengeance and genocide against people who've never driven an SUV a block in their lives or ever heard of us."Tags:Does the European Union deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?
30 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, International
By Ben Hayes
It’s easy, with the benefit of hindsight, to ridicule the awarding of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to Barrack ‘Drone Wars’ Obama. But let’s give the Nobel Committee the benefit of the doubt and accept that they were simply rewarding Obama’s inspiring oratory—ridding the world of nuclear weapons, repairing US relations with the Middle East etc.—with deserved political support.Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, EuropeThe Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings
29 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
By David Swanson
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan are touring the country with a new book that everyone should have and read. "The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope" is a history of the Obama Years in the form of a thematically organized collection of columns—columns that grew out of the reporting done by the most useful show on our airwaves: Democracy Now!Tags: State murderCommunist Party Statement on Enda Kenny, European of the Year
29 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
Statement on the naming of Enda Kenny as European of the Year, by German Publishers
Enda Kenny has jumped into European super-celeb status. He was on the cover of Time Magazine recently, being hailed as an example for all European leaders to follow. Now he has been voted as "European of the Year," and winner of the "Golden Victoria" award by the Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger, the association which represents the German publishing industry. So, what has Enda Kenny been doing that's so pleasing to the ruling classes of Europe and the USA, i.e. the owners of these publications?Tags: Enda Kenny, European of the YearA Lesson in Hospitality
28 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Iraq
By Cathy Breen
Najaf, Iraq—
"Come to eat" the man cries out. "Come!" he calls invitingly. And they do. In the thousands, in the millions. They come streaming into Karbala from all directions to the sacred shrine of their holy martyrs, Imam Hussein and Abbas.
Military Commander Gets Court Order to Protect Himself from Peace Activists
28 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
By David Swanson
Some friends of mine have gotten arrested more times than I can count now for the offense of protesting drone use outside Hancock Air Field near Syracuse, N.Y. Sometimes they've blocked the gates to the base. Often they've been aware of the risk of being arrested. But they've gone into court and argued that the larger crime is being committed inside the base by drone pilots.Is Our Deepest Desire to Die?
28 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
By David Swanson
Our so-called self-government rarely agrees with what we tell pollsters, and yet it does what it does with our acceptance. We may have fallen for the pretense that we're powerless. Our ignorance and xenophobia should never be underestimated as explanations for what we do. But consider the following public policy and then tell me the clearest explanation isn't that we all want to rush our arrival at death's door.Tags: Nuclear missilesEmbodiment of a Ruined Election System
26 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
By David Swanson
In April I had a chat with Congressional candidate John Douglass who had just about wrapped up his party's nomination for Congress here in Virginia's Fifth District. Douglass is a retired Brigadier General, a former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and a former deputy U.S. military representative to the NATO Military Committee in Brussels, Belgium. He spent years buying weapons for the military and then years selling weapons to the military as CEO of Aerospace Industries Association. In Congress he would be back on the buying side of the revolving door of death dealing.Tags: Military spending, state murderThe Demonization of Dissent in the United States
26 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, United States
by William Wraithwrite
On 3 October 2012 Wired.Com’s (or Wired Magazine’s) Danger Room came out with Spencer Ackerman’s story of a leaked although unclassified U.S. Army “chart” that lists indicators and behaviors for identifying people who are supposedly becoming radicalized to terrorist potential. But what is so startling about this Army’s presumptively rational analysis (more like propagandic analysis) is its broad categorization of symptoms for identifying those thought alienated enough to become potential terrorist material.Bethany Home survivors angry at Irish authorities
26 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
By Shane Harrison BBC NI Dublin correspondent
Next month voters in the Irish Republic will go to the polls in a referendum on childrens' rights. But the state and Christian churches have all been accused of child neglect and some Protestants feel discriminated against in the area of compensation.Tags: Bethany Home survivorsVeterans again Arrested Protesting Drones at Hancock Air Field
25 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
Non-violent protesters of U.S. drone wars have again been arrested at the gates of Hancock Air Field in New York State. Thursday morning, 19 people blocked the three gates to the base for a period of hours beginning at 8 a.m. Eventually, the front gate was opened after 11 people were arrested, including Elliott Adams of Veterans For Peace, as well as James Ricks, Bonny Mahoney, Paul Frazier, Ed Kinane, Mike Perry, Judy Bello, Andrea Levine, Dan Vergevin, Paki Weiland, and one other.
National Archives documents relating to Northern Ireland conflict published on Web
25 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Northern Ireland
A range of digitised archival documents relating to the conflict in Northern Ireland have been published on the University of Ulster’s CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) web site. The site provides an extensive range of information and source material on the conflict and politics of Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present day (see http://cain.ulster.ac.uk).
Stopping Trans Canada's Keystone XL Pipeline
25 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Environment, Canada, United States
By Ann Wright
It seems as though most Americans don't know that the Obama administration has backed off its commitment to stop a Canadian oil firm from bringing dangerous and toxic tar sands from the fields in Alberta, Canada to oil refineries in Texas. But in East Texas, the farm lands and forests have been seized for the Canadian company through eminent domain and are already being destroyed for the foreign pipeline.Tags: Tar Sands, XL pipelineUK Police Opt Out Of Accountability in fatal shooting
23 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United Kingdom
Suppose if I were a bus driver, out on my rounds, driving drunk and recklessly and somewhere along the line there was a dreadful fatal collision. The next morning I agreed to give a written statement but absolutely refused to meet the investigators of the crash, refusing to tell them, in person, my version of events.
EU leaders practice 'economic illiteracy'
23 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - European Union, United Kingdom
EU leaders have been accused of practcing economic literacy by the leader of the UK Tory MEP contingency after they voted to increase EU spending by 6.8% despite forcing austerity measure on member states.
Tags: EU spendingHunting of female red deer and curlew banned
22 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
The Kerry female red deer has been removed from the Open Season for hunting and the Curlew has been removed from the Open Season for hunting wild game birds, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Jimmy Deenihan announced today.
Editor Who Exposed Racism Faces Extradition From UK
22 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Journalism, Internet news, United Kingdom, Bulgaria
By Grattan Puxon
The editor of internet news forum DeFacto, Toma Nikolaev Mladenov, who has exposed gross anti-Roma racism in Bulgaria, this week faces possible extradition from the UK. It appears prosecutors want to get him back behind bars to keep him quiet.The Case for Irrational Voting
20 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, United States
By David Swanson
When I was a philosophy grad student in the ancient times at the U. of Virginia, some over-smart logician pointed out to me that voting is not rational, since a single vote is never decisive. It's all the other stuff that's rational: appearing to have voted, applying a sticker to your bumper, registering voters, making phone calls—because all of that stuff has the potential to spread sufficiently to make a difference in the election, or perhaps in a future election or in other forms of civic engagement.Tags: Human survivalLatest attack by Israel on the MV Estelle aid ship
20 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Sweden, Ireland, Palestine, Israel
The Irish Antiwar Movement (IAWM) has called on the Irish government to condemn an Israeli attack on civilian ship. The Irish Anti War Movement issued a statement today condemning the attack by the Israeli navy on the Swedish ship MV Estelle in international waters and the kidnapping of its crew and passengers.
Tags: Gaza flotilla, MV EstelleIran: Sanctions mean war on the people
20 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, Iran
By Yassamine Mather
Hopi’s principled opposition to the Iran Tribunal is not because we are soft on the Islamic republic, as our opponents have alleged. On the contrary, we are committed to the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic regime and all its factions. However, we believe alliances pretending to pursue a ‘non-political’, ‘human rights’ (read rightwing, pro-imperialist) agenda are a serious threat to the future of the revolutionary movement of workers in Iran. Those sections of the left who cannot see (or who pretend they cannot see) the serious risks posed by their collaboration with those involved in regime change from above, such as the Iran Tribunal, will become mere pawns in a game where the winner is international capital (and that inevitably includes Iranian capital).Enterprise and Health unite to create jobs and solutions
19 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Health, Ireland
A Health Innovation Hub Demonstrator Project that will develop products such as a paperless GP referral system and a mattress steriliser was launched in UCC today (Friday) by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD and the Minister for Health Dr James Reilly TD.
Tags:Environmental Pillar joins push for Site Value Tax
18 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of 26 national environmental groups, has added its weight to the growing push for a Site Value Tax in Ireland. A Site Value Tax is a tax on the unimproved value of land and so does not include the value of any buildings on the site. Instead it is a charge on the value of a site created by location and community investment in services such as roads, schools and jobs.
Veterans For Peace Illegally Spied on By Boston Police Fusion Center
18 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
By David Swanson
Veterans For Peace in Boston, the late VFP member Howard Zinn, and several other peace organizations in Boston have been routinely spied on for years, and records kept on their peaceful and lawful activities. The Boston Police Department and the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, BRIC, (the local "fusion center") have collected and kept so-called "intelligence reports" documenting constitutionally protected speech and political activity. While not a single report refers to any engagement in or plans for violence, peace rallies are called "Criminal Acts," and the reports are labeled as dealing with "Extremists," "Civil Disturbance," and "HomeSec-Domestic."Dutch proposal to search and destroy foreign computers
18 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Internet news, Holland
On 15 October 2012, the Dutch ministry of Justice and Security proposed powers for the police to break into computers, install spyware, search computers and destroy data. These powers would extend to computers located outside the Netherlands. Dutch digital rights movement Bits of Freedom warns for the unacceptable risks to cybersecurity and calls on other countries to strongly oppose the proposal.
€450million Credit Guarantee Scheme to go Live
17 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
Scheme expected to benefit 5,600 businesses and support the creation of 4,000 jobs over three years
The Credit Guarantee Scheme will go live next Wednesday 24 October, and is expected to provide an additional €150million in lending for small businesses per year over the next three years.Tags: Credit Guarantee SchemeChildren's Referendum 'attack on the fundamental rights of the family'
17 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
"An attack on the fundamental rights of the family in the pretence that they will protect children in the future” is the only way to describe the latest 'Children's Referendum' Constitutional Amendment, according to Malachy Steenson, Solicitor and Criminologist.
Tags: Children's ReferendumCharges Dismissed Against Nuclear Missile Launch Protesters
17 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
Charges were dismissed on Wednesday in federal court in Santa Barbara, Calif., against fifteen people, including four members of Veterans For Peace, who were scheduled to face trial on Wednesday as a result of their nonviolent protest of nuclear warheads at Vandenberg Air Force Base. The 15 had been arrested on 25 February for protesting the launch of a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile from Vandenberg to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Video: http://youtu.be/sGYVee9yW9Y
Dear UNESCO: You're Going to Honor Shimon Peres? Really?
17 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Human Rights, International
A Human Rights activist has written an open letter to UNESCO criticising its decision to give an award Shimon Peres
Tags: UNESCO, human rightsVeterans For Peace Go to Trial for Protesting Missile Launch
16 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States, Marshall Islands
At 7 p.m. PT on Tuesday, 16 October, a free public event called "Putting U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policies on Trial: A Forum with the Vandenberg 15" will be held at Faulkner Gallery, 40 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, Calif. Speakers will include Daniel Ellsberg, Fr. Louie Vitale, Cindy Sheehan, and David Krieger. The event is cosponsored by Code Pink, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Nevada Desert Experience, Progressive Democrats of Santa Barbara, Veterans for Peace, Western States Legal Foundation, and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Santa Barbara).
Sunrise and Sunset in Afghanistan
15 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, United States, Afghanistan
By David Smith-Ferri
October 7, 2012, Kabul, Afghanistan
At 5:15 a.m., the main street outside the Afghan Peace Volunteer's (APV) apartment is quiet, and the first weak rays of gray light filter down through dusty, polluted air. In the distance, the hulking brown mountains circling the Kabuli plain emerge ominously from darkness.Tags: AfghanistanNobel Peace Laureate Opposes Awarding the EU
15 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - International
By Mairead Corrigan Maguire—Nobel peace prize (1976)
Nobel Peace Prize 2012 Awarded to European Union
Alfred Nobel was a visionary who believed in a demilitarized peaceful world. In his Will he left his Nobel peace prize to those who would work for 'fraternity among nations','abolition or reduction of standing armies', and 'holding and promotion of peace congresses'.Let's talk about the Taliban
15 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, Pakistan
By Pam Bailey
Throughout my stay in Pakistan, I have been noting similarities in the challenges faced by the people in the frontier regions here and in Gaza. Both populations are under daily threat by foreign drones (U.S. vs. Israel), the movement of both groups is tightly controlled, and both peoples are judged by the world based on internal factions branded as "extremist."Government should tax financial speculation - UCD sociologist
15 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - European Union, Ireland
The government decision to reject the proposed EU financial transaction tax is a deeply retrograde step, according to UCD sociologist, Kieran Allen.
"The EU tax amounts to a levy of a mere 0.1 levy on the trading of shares and bonds and a 0.01 levy on derivatives. It appears that the government has learnt nothing from the economic crash of 2007 that brought the world economy to the verge of ruin. This crash was triggered by a huge growth in financial speculation which was divorced from investment the real economy," said Mr Allen.
Peace activists hinder F16 warplanes departures to NATO nuclear weapons exercise
15 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - International
Peace activists are using non-violent means to try and stop the departure of F16 airplanes from the base in Kleine Brogel. Starting today, Belgian pilots are training for the deployment of nuclear weapons together with their NATO-partners. Small groups of activists are going onto the runway to stop the taking off of the F-16s. Meanwhile, the main gate of the base is being blocked. In this way, Vredesactie and Action pour la Paix hope to prevent the preparation for war crimes.
Intimidating billboards put up in black neighborhoods
13 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
A US action group has launched a campaign to remove posters that it says are designed to scare black people away from voting.
Tags: racist billboardsCollaborative project launched to benefit Roma children at Lunik IX, Slovakia
13 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Europe, United Kingdom, Czech/Slovakia
A UK and a Slovakian photographer have launched a collaborative project involving Roma children at Lunik IX, Slovakia— Europe's largest Roma Community.
All War Is Local
13 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, International
By S. Brian Willson
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., "A Time To Break Silence," April 4, 1967, Riverside Church, New York City
On a recent visit to my neighborhood library in SE Portland, Oregon, I was asked outside the entrance if I would sign a petition to place a public school bond measure on the fall ballot. Though I support full funding of public schools, I balked. Knowing that Portland libraries are also planning to place a taxing district on the same ballot, I felt fury building up inside of me at how obscene lawless military spending is sucking our nation's resources dry. I told the person asking for my signature that I would only sign such petition when and if the Portland School Board, Portland City Commissioners and Mayor, and all other City and County entities become part of an active anti-war movement to stop the looting of our Commons by the Military-Industrial-Banking-Congressional-Presidential Complex.Tags: US warIrish government, Gardai and airport authorities ignore international law
12 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
A new booklet entitled “Shannon Airport, War and Renditions” is being launched today, 12 Friday October in Buswell’s Hotel, Dublin. The booklet, which is been jointly published by Shannonwatch, the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA) and the Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM), outlines the legal instruments being violated as a result of US military and CIA use of Shannon. It covers aviation, human rights and international humanitarian law, as well as the ongoing failure to respect Ireland’s history of neutrality.
Tags: Shannon Airport, troops movementUS / NATO Out Of Afghanistan Now!
12 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States, Afghanistan
By ourlivesourrights.org
How Many More Will Die for a Lie?
Veterans For Peace opposed the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. We did not believe it was justified. As military veterans, we did not think that war and occupation were what the world needed. Eleven years later in our nation's longest war, it is apparent that the US / NATO occupation of Afghanistan has been based on a series of lies. One of the biggest lies today is that the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan is succeeding, and the American people should therefore be patient with a phased withdrawal over several years.Tags: AfghanistanWhy Europe Did Not Deserve a Nobel Peace Prize
12 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - International
By David Swanson
Yes, indeed, it is a little-acknowledged feat of miraculous life-saving power that Europe has not gone to war with itself—other than that whole Yugoslavia thing—since World War II. It's as clear a demonstration as anything that people can choose to stop fighting. It's a testament to the pre-war peace efforts that criminalized war, the post-war prosecutions of the brand new crime of making war, the reconstruction of the Marshall Plan, and ... and something else a little less noble, and much less Nobel-worthy.Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, EuropeThe Great Chess Game
12 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features, Environment
By Luke Eastwood
Everyone is aware of a multitude of problems that besets our world, however the nature of these problems and why they exist is distorted by the media and by governments all over the world. Our leaders, corporate heads, military top-brass etc. all have a fairly good idea of what is really happening, they just don’t want us—the ignorant masses known as the general public to know what they know.Tags: Planetary resourcesUK in row over Bulgrian Roma extradition request
11 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United Kingdom, Bulgaria
Bulgaria is seeking the extradition of Toma Nikolaev Mladenov, former MP candidate and editor of DeFacto news agency. See report below. District Court Judge John Zani will issue his written ruling in this case on 25 October at Westminster Magistrates Court.
US Oligarchy jails Nonviolent Protester of Drone Wars
11 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
Catholic Worker Brian Terrell of Maloy, Iowa has been sentenced to serves 6 months in a federal prison for his witness against the use of drone warfare. Below is a message from Brian and his statement before the court.
Swedish Aid Ship to Gaza Picks Up Passengers in Italy
10 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Italy, Palestine, Israel
By Stefan Jonsson
Outside La Spezia train station in Italian Liguria there is an old plane tree. The branches are not strong enough to bear their own weight but are propped up by steel girders that are attached to the concrete foundations. From the tree of life by the station, I walk along winding streets through a town that seems to be both freshly painted and public-spirited. Sheets and garments flutter from clothes lines stretching across backyards and alleyways.Citizen Diplomacy May Save Us Yet
10 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States
By David Swanson
For as long as there's been a United States of America, its private citizens have done some of its best diplomacy. In 1798 Dr. George Logan eased tensions between France and this country. He got a law named for him, criminalizing such services, but nobody's ever been prosecuted under it—probably because the crime prosecuted would itself be the act of crime prevention.Tags: Citizen DiplomacyFlat rate CAP payments are in best interest of all not just few
10 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
Flat rate CAP payments will best sustain local economies, protect family farms and boost rural employment and are in Ireland's overall best interests, An Taisce has said today.
Tags: CAPTwo-tier children's allowance proposal condemned
09 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
Single Parents Acting for the Rights of our Kids (SPARK) said it is strongly critical of the suggestion that a two tier system will be introduced for Children's Allowance.
Tags: Single Parents, SPARKCall to explain Home Care Help interest of top government advisor
08 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Health, Ireland
The Home Help/Home Care Action Group is calling on Health Minister James Reilly to clarify the private home care business interests of the government's top health policy advisor, Maureen Windle.
Anti-war protesters arrested at non-violent Shannon airport peace action
08 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Ireland
by Edward Horgan—Peace and Neutrality Alliance
Sunday 7 October 2012 marked the 11th anniversary of the US led invasion of Afghanistan. The subsequent war and occupation of Afghanistan probably cost the lives of over 100,000 Afghan people. The related and equally unjustified war against the people of Iraq probably cost well over one million Iraqi lives, but we will never know the exact figures because the aggressors deliberately “don’t do body counts”.Where Is War Making Taking Us?
06 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - Features
By David Swanson
Remarks at the New Hampshire Peace Action 30th Anniversary Celebration in Concord, NH, 5 October, 2012.US government 'has created enemies where there were none'
06 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States, Pakistan
By Leah Bolger
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)…increased use of anti-anxiety, and anti-depressant drugs…suicide. These are all issues that are plaguing American combat soldiers, and which the American media has reported on widely.US Civilians Try to Inform US Ambassador to Pakistan About Pakistan
06 Oct 2012; posted by the editor - United States, Pakistan
By Ann Wright
Below is the letter I sent to Ambassador Richard Hoagland after he met with the Codepink Delegation for Peace on 3 October stating that American policies are what have made Pakistan dangerous for Americans.Tags: Ann Wright, Pakistan
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