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€25,000 funding for Business to Arts
28 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Arts, Ireland
Funding of €25,000 is being given to support Business to Arts in a move that Arts Minister Minister for Arts Heather Humphreys said will help to generate private sector support for the cultural sector.
Tags: Business to ArtsU.S. Sends Depleted Uranium Armed Planes to Middle East
28 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - United States, Middle East
By David Swanson
The U.S. Air Force says it is not halting its use of Depleted Uranium weapons, has recently sent them to the Middle East, and is prepared to use them.Tags: ISIS, Depleted UraniumThousands protest Internet 'tax' in Budapest
27 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Internet news, Hungary
Over 10,000 people took to the streets in Budapest to protest the Hungarian government's tax on Internet usage, the Independent newspaper reports.
Tags: Internet tax, HungarySurvival or Extinction: Part Seven—Power Of Money
27 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Features
Survival or Extinction: Part Seven—Power Of Money
By Kevin Mugu GalaIae
The banking system is beholden to political decision makers, who are using the power of money, or monetary coercion, to advance by proxy the ancient dream of a united world, which is a political goal and a worthy one. Having learned from history that international peace and security cannot be gained by conquest, thus by military means, policy makers since the end of World War II have employed fiscal means to force the world into peaceful cooperation and coexistence. Monetary coercion has replaced military force as the method by which to secure global peace and prosperity, which are the fundamental prerequisites of a one world order.Tags: Survival or ExtinctionThe Pentagon and Big Oil: Militarism and Capital Accumulation
26 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Features
By James Petras
There is no question that, in the immediate aftermath and for several years following US military conquests, wars, occupations and sanctions, US multi-national corporations lost out on profitable sites for investments. The biggest losses were in the exploitation of natural resources—in particular, gas and oil—in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and South Asia.Call for contactless payment on public transport
25 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Ireland
Dublin MEP Brian Hayes has today called for the introduction of contactless payment on public transport services across Dublin following the introduction of similar system in London, allowing commuters to use their contactless debit card to pay for buses, the underground and light rail.
Tags: Contactless PeymentWar Culture
23 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Features, United States
By David Swanson
According to a book by George Williston called This Tribe of Mine: A Story of Anglo Saxon Viking Culture in America, the United States wages eternal war because of its cultural roots in the Germanic tribes that invaded, conquered, ethnically cleansed, or—if you prefer—liberated England before moving on to the slaughter of the Native Americans and then the Filipinos and Vietnamese and on down to the Iraqis. War advocate, former senator, and current presidential hopeful Jim Webb himself blames Scots-Irish American culture.Tags: George Williston, anti-warEU Parliament promises a better document register
22 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - European Union
By Ante Wessels, EDRi-member Vrijschrift and FFII, The Netherlands
In 2011 the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) discovered that some European Parliament decisions regarding the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) were not recorded in any known document. A hidden class of documents (“coordinators’ minutes”) seemed to exist, but the Parliament denied their existence. The FFII filed a complaint with the European Ombudsman.Tags: EU document registerWeb-blocking in Austria—law with the law taken out
22 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Internet news, Austria
by Joe McNamee, EDRi
Following the European Court of Justice ruling on the UPC Telekabel v Constantin in April 2014, Austrian internet access providers have started “blocking” several websites. In the case in question, the Court established that an injunction may be imposed on an internet access provider (ISP) “prohibiting an internet service provider from allowing” its customers access to a website “when that injunction does not specify the measures which that access provider must take.”Tags: Internet censorshipFrance to follow Turkey's lead on lawless Internet censorship
22 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Internet news, France
by Kirsten Fiedler, EDRi
Despite many setbacks, bad publicity, budget cuts and a change of government, France is persisting with its Hadopi, a “three strikes law” and government agency to enforce copyright laws and fight online “piracy”. Even more worrying, the country's Minister of Culture is now making moves to curb online rights even further.Tags: Internet censorshipWexford Opera House renamed National Opera House
22 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Arts, Ireland
Wexford Opera House is to be renamed as The National Opera House. The renaming was confirmed when Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys officially opened the 63rd Wexford Festival Opera, which kicked off with a fireworks display on the quayside followed by a performance of 'Salomé' by Antoine Mariotte.
Google pushes forward with voluntary pro-copyright policing
22 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Internet news
By Joe McNamee, EDRi
For the past number of years, Google has chosen to impose US copyright law on the world, completely de-indexing any website which fulfils the non-judicial criteria of a valid order under American law. Last year alone, it removed 222 000 000 links, which means 74 links per second. In addition to applying US copyright law globally, it also applies national law nationally. So, Google will also delete or de-index in any European country, on the basis of the national law of that country as well as deleting or de-indexing in any European country on the basis of US law.On Killing Trayvons
22 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - United States
By David Swanson
This Wednesday is a day of action that some are calling a national day of action against police brutality, with others adding "and mass incarceration," and I'd like to add "and war" and make it global rather than national. This Tuesday, the Governor of Pennsylvania is expected to sign a bill that will silence prisoners' speech, and people are pushing back.Public Says No to Silencing Prisoners' Speech
22 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Human Rights, United States
By David Swanson
I would not have guessed that people cared so much and so well about U.S. prisoners. The Governor of Pennsylvania is expected to sign into law a dangerous precedent that we all need to speak out against and put a quick stop to. In the first day since posting the following petition, over 10,000 people have signed it and added quite eloquent reasons why. It can be signed here.
Tags: prisoner free speechSex workers in Northern Ireland criticise criminalisation
21 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Northern Ireland
The criminalisation of the purchase of sex in Northern Ireland has been criticised by sex workers who say it will only serve to drive prostitution further underground and further marginalise those providing the service.
Tags: prostitutionGiants on the Earth: A Review of Waging Peace by David Hartsough
21 Oct 2014; posted by the editor - Features, United States
By Winslow Myers
There were giants on the earth in those days . . . (Genesis 6:4) The fear that we citizens of the United States have been seduced into since 9/11 spreads across our benighted nation like a fog, inhibiting all policy alternatives not based in blind vengefulness. Special are those who have the spiritual clear-sightedness and persistence to make people-oriented global connections that pierce the fog of fear with the light of visionary possibility.Tags: David Hartsough
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