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Israel historian and Palestine academic to speak at Dublin meetings printable version
11 Nov 2014: posted by the editor - Events, Ireland
Israeli historian Prof. Ilan Pappé and Palestinian writer and academic Dr. Ghada Karmi are to speak at a series of college meetings on Wednesday and Thursday this week organised by Academics for Palestine (AfP) and which will examine the role of academics in the struggle for justice in Palestine.
There will also be a public debate at Trinity College Dublin on the subject of the academic boycott. The meetings are listed below.
The two key visiting speakers for the meetings are:
Prof. Ilan Pappé; the leading historian of the origins of the state of Israel, is the author of seminal works includingA History of Modern Palestine and The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Born in Haifa, Israel, where he lectured for many years, he is now a professor at the University of Exeter, UK, and one of the leading Israeli advocates of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.
Dr. Ghada Karmi, a fellow and lecturer at the Institute of Arab and Islamic studies at Exeter, is a doctor of medicine as well as a writer. She has authored many books, including a memoir, In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story,and Married to Another Man
Wednesday 12 November, 1pm, Room 3-067/68, DIT Aungier Street
Meeting: The role of academics in the struggle for justice in PALESTINESpeakers: Dr Ghada Karmi, Palestinian academic and writer and Prof Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian
Chair: Harry Browne, DITWednesday 12 November, 7.30PM, Thomas David Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, TCD
Public debate – “Should academics boycott Israel?
Speakers: Dr Ghada Karmi, Prof Ilan Pappé, British political theorist Prof Alan Johnson. At least one additional debater will be added to the programme.
Chair: Journalist Shona Murray of NewsTalk FMThe debate, hosted by the Irish School of Ecumenics at TCD and organised by Academics for Palestine (AfP), is open to the public and admission is free.
Thursday 13 November, 1pm, The Gallery, The Helix, Dublin City University
Meeting: Gaza and the Struggle for Justice in Palestine
Speakers: Dr Ghada Karmi, Palestinian academic and writer and Prof Ilan Pappé, Israeli historianChair: Dr. Eileen O Connell, DCU
Organised by the Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction IICRR, School of Law and Government, DCU in association with Academics for Palestine AfP
Thursday 13 November, 6.30pm, Red Room, the New Student Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield Campus (Clonskeagh Road entrance)
Meeting: The role of academics in the struggle for justice in Palestine
Speakers: Prof Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian and Dr. Yasar Alashqar, TCD
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