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Survival or Extinction: Part 11—Countries Are Prisons
24 Nov 2014; posted by the editor - Features
Survival or Extinction: Part 11—Countries Are Prisons - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Borders don’t exist. As we serve the system, the system must serve us.The system, however, is no longer serving us. We have become subservient to the system. The system itself has become our master. To make the system subservient to human needs we must as individuals rise above the system and subdue it. A system that is out of human control is a monster, a beast. And that is the present state of the system for it has slipped out of human control. The system has slipped out of human control because no human being or body of human beings exists who has the authority to be in charge of the world and the world is, as a result, at the mercy of national authorities that are incapable of coordinating a global plan of action, which is why our civilization is spinning out of control.
Tags: Survival or ExtinctionSurvival or Extinction: Part Ten—Crisis of Leadership
17 Nov 2014; posted by the editor - Features
Survival or Extinction: Part Ten—Crisis of Leadership - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
If you cannot wage wars of aggression on weaker neighbors because the international community will not tolerate it and the risks of assured mutual destruction are too great, you are forced to wage war on your own people’s reproductive systems to ensure that your population does not outgrow the available resources and can live within the national means. This form of self-discipline and the political paradigm shift that goes along with it are the result of nuclear deterrence and, in equal measure, of America’s global leadership post-World War II.
Tags: Survival or ExtinctionSurvival or Extinction: Part Nine—Conceal and Deceive
11 Nov 2014; posted by the editor - Features
Survival or Extinction: Part Nine—Conceal and Deceive - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Since global concerns are antithetical to national interests they will forever be outside the narrow focus of national assemblies. Matters of global concern fall under the purview of global governance and trump all national interests. Global autocracy trumps and often undermines national democracy.Tags: Survival or ExtinctionSurvival or Extinction: Part Eight—Burden Of Responsibility
03 Nov 2014; posted by the editor - Features
Survival or Extinction: Part Eight—Burden Of Responsibility
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
In reading my previous seven articles in this series you have learned that the international community has pursued peace and prosperity since 1945 via three complementary and inseparable fronts: economic integration, political centralization, and population control.Tags: Survival or Extinction
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