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Manning Supporters Detained by Quantico military
23 Jan 2011: posted by the editor - United States

David House, supporter and personal friend of Bradley  Manning, traveled to Quantico with journalist Jane Hamsher to visit  Manning earlier today. Though House is an approved visitor, he was  prevented from seeing Manning. They were detained for over 40 minutes.

House and Hamsher communicated their detainment via Twitter status  updates. In addition to visiting Manning, House was planning to deliver a  petition with 42,000 signatures calling for the humane treatment of  Bradley Manning. Military officials demanded Hamsher’s Social Security  number and prevented her from leaving the base. Their car was then  searched and impounded. House was unable to visit Manning.

Manning’s prolonged solitary confinement and confined to his cell for 23  hours per day for 7 months, conditions which many have likened to  torture, have resulted in enormous public outcry. Manning’s lawyer  has formally protested the conditions.

For two days earlier this week,  Manning was placed on “suicide watch” against the advice of two  psychiatrists, only days after 150+ protesters gathered at Quantico.  During that time, he was stripped of all clothing except his boxer  shorts, his prescription glasses were confiscated and he was held in his  cell for 24 hours per day. The UN special rapporteur on torture is  investigating allegations of mistreatment and Amnesty International has  a written a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates protesting  Manning’s pre-trial confinement conditions.

Jeff Paterson, steering committee member for the Bradley Manning Support  Network, responded:  “Having experienced solitary confinement in a military prison  personally, I can tell you that denying Manning his one opportunity for  a personal visitor is nothing short of cruel. I am concerned that  Quantico’s actions today are retaliatory in nature as a result of the  criticisms and recent public protests against Manning’s confinement  conditions. Quantico is sending a message to supporters: if you speak  out against these conditions, we will make things harder on Manning.”

Kevin Zeese, who also serves on the steering committee of the Support  Network, added: “These tactics by the military will only result in a  wider outcry and more action on the part of Bradley Manning’s supporters.”

Tags: Bradley Manning

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