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China - the next uprising?
24 Feb 2011: posted by the editor - Opinion, China

China boasts by far the largest population of any country. As Chinese authorities implement yet greater censorship over news and information regarding external events, the question must be asked: Will China become the first far eastern country to rise and rebel in the wake of the Middle East uprisings? Despotic censorship of information by those who fear its impact on their own security of tenure is nothing less than dictatorial tyranny, regardless of any professed 'well intent' of the repression.

China boasts by far the largest population of any country. As Chinese authorities implement yet greater censorship over news and information regarding external events, the question must be asked: Will China become the first far eastern country to rise and rebel in the wake of the Middle East uprisings? Despotic censorship of information by those who fear its impact on their own security of tenure is nothing less than dictatorial tyranny, regardless of any professed 'well intent' of the repression.

Tags: China, uprising, censorship

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