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America's head in the sand
15 Sep 2012: posted by the editor - Opinion, United States

The true head in the sand attitude of the current US administration is now very clearly illuminated by that administration's utter stubbornness in continuing to doggedly blame a scarcely known film for the motives behind current anti-US sentiments being expressed through protest and violence around the world, particularly in the Middle East.

That the mainstream media is content to kowtow to such a line should be of no surprise to anyone familiar with the crazed epoch of power hungry corporate cronies currently stuffing their greed drenched personal hungers to the detriment of all outside of their poisoned little cliques.

No, it would be far too uncomfortable to admit to and accept that 50 years of US bullying, military invasions, civilian and political assassinations and murder, all deployed so that the US can get its own way regardless of the rights and needs of others,has left its irrepairable scars—and hatred, on and amongst those upon whom such callous treatment has been imposed.

It matters little how the US military classroom bullies attempt to explain such matters. At the end of the day, we will all—regardless—reap what we sow.


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