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Petreca-Dini International Poetry Prize awarded to Roberto Malini
01 Nov 2012: posted by the editor - Arts, Brazil

by Nove Colonne—Il Foglio- Sao Paulo, 1st November, 2012

RobertoMaliniItalian poet and human rights defender Roberto Malini has been awarded the first edition of the Petreca-Dini International Poetry Prize by the Petreca-Dini family's Literary and Humanitarian Circle.

The Petreca-Dini family is of Roma origin, they emigrated to Brazil from Sicily at the end of the nineteenth century. Since then, the family has devoted itself to the preservation of Roma traditions and their popularization in Brazil where the Roma community has 800,000 members.

To celebrate the Italian poet's award, on Sunday October 28th they held an evening dedicated to Roberto Malini poetry at the family's Literary Circle in São Vicente, with readings in Portuguese of some verses taken from the books "The Silence of the Violins" and "Declaration" (to be published soon).

Tags: Roberto Malini, Roma, Petreca-Dini International Poetry Prize

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