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Survival or Extinction: Follow The Money
08 Sep 2014: posted by the editor - Features

By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Survival or Extinction: Part 2—Follow The Money—Summary
Monetary coercion has replaced military force as the means by which to move the world towards global unity and maintain international peace.  This shift from military to monetary coercion took place at the end of World War II and is the result of the Bretton Woods system, more specifically the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).   

After two world wars and countless previous attempts to bring the world under central control through military might, the earliest being Alexander the Great’s 4 century B.C. dream to unify the “ends of the world”, statesmen agreed in 1944, at the Bretton Woods Conference, to try a different method and settled on the obvious alternative, monetary coercion.  Immediately after, exchange rates around the world were pegged against the US dollar, which became the de facto world currency and has been used as such ever since, becoming not only the primary currency for international financial transactions but also the world’s principal reserve currency.   Global objectives require far greater amounts of money than national goals.  People follow the money; therefore, a few people of great wealth could control the direction of society and indeed the world while the political establishments of nation states, beholden to financial interests, could pay lip service to democracy at the national level while at the international level capital could be used to forge ahead a global market, which would in time necessitate global governance. 

Liberalization of trade made possible direct foreign investment and thus the transfer of capital and of manufacturing facilities from the developed to the developing world.  These measures shifted economic control from the national to the international arena and weakened the independence of nation states while at the same time strengthening economic interdependence between nation states.   Economic prosperity, in the final analysis, makes political ideology, cultural norms and religious differences secondary if not redundant and this has contributed to the emergence of a global culture whose glue and common denominator are the economic interdependence of nation states and the individual’s universal wish to prosper. 

But what are the underlying goals of this international world order achieved through monetary coercion?  They are simple: peace and prosperity.  Taking the leap from the national to the global is the last stage in our civilization’s evolution.  Every natural resource is used by man.  If we rise to their level of understanding coercion will be unnecessary.  Peace and prosperity cannot be achieved in a world of finite resources if the population grows at natural levels and doubles every 30 years.  If we, the people, do not emancipate to a global consciousness and voluntarily restrict our families to no more than two children the elites will have to continue with covert methods and terminate 90% of the existing lineages in order to save the world from destruction by overpopulation.  To succeed in legislating population control we must have an alternate plan for ensuring peace and stability in the world than the existing one that is based on monetary coercion.  The elites who have been in control of the world since the end of World War II have replaced military force with monetary coercion, a substantial improvement, and war with covert and involuntary sterilization, also a substantial improvement.  The OM Principles, if adopted, will replace monetary coercion with conscious cooperation, and covert sterilization with overt and voluntary population control.  The evolution therefore is from military force to monetary coercion to conscious cooperation; and from brutal war to involuntary covert sterilization to voluntary overt population control

Equally, overt population control is only now possible, the path having been set by the covert depopulation efforts of the elites that was the only option available prior to the world being capable of acquiring a global perspective and developing a global consciousness. 

Principle 1
Proportional Income And Equal Taxation
This transfer of capital and industry is necessary not only to bring development to the developing world but also because western nations have stabilized their populations and economic growth is no longer possible in the stagnant and saturated societies of the rich world whose ageing people demand services not goods.  The populations of the developing world are still growing and with them so are their economies.  It made perfect sense to transfer manufacturing to the growing markets of the developing world and leave services to the shrinking markets of the developed world.  It is thus the Global Depopulation Policy and globalization go hand in hand.

Yes, this system of income distribution would impinge on individual ambition and would prevent the satisfaction of flamboyant dreams of wealth that sets one apart, but at the same time it will enable the eradication of poverty and will lead to a just society and to peace and stability during this difficult transition from a world of nations to a borderless world.
Full article

Killing Us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy is considered by the author to be important in understanding the content of Survival or Extinction. Likewise a second book, Chemical and Biological Depopulation.pdfis also considered important to understanding.

You can download both as a zipfile here

Tags: Survival or Extinction, Kevin Galalae

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